Mobe Product Tips for Avoiding Complacency in Business

Complacency is one of the top reasons businesses fail. Far too many businesses accept mediocre results and hardly ever try to reach for record breaking results. In organizations like that, everything becomes mundane and creativity dies. When creativity and innovation die, a company stops growing. And when a company doesn’t grow, it will eventually fail.

Matt Lloyd discusses why complacency is bad for business and how to avoid being complacent as an entrepreneur. Matt Lloyd also talks about the need to keep growing as a business, because there is always competition coming in to the market and taking away market shares.

Why Do Entrepreneurs Get Complacent?

Most people get comfortable with their success. There go from having very little or no success at all, to making tens of thousands of dollars, and they start thinking everything they touch turns to gold. According to Matt Lloyd, that’s when the real problem starts to occur. They start believing they will always be successful; hence they stop innovating. They lose the hunger for success they had in the beginning, and they have nothing more to strive for.

How to Avoid Complacency

To avoid being complacent in growing MOBE, Matt Lloyd says he maintains a healthy degree of paranoia of the competition. He makes sure that he keeps up with the industry and know what his competitors are doing, so that he can innovate and create something better, thus staying one foot ahead.

Matt Lloyd says he also likes to take note of who he is comparing himself to. Instead of comparing himself to people doing average things, he like to look at billionaire and other such who have made great success.  That motivates him to work harder because he realizes that he still has a long way to go.


The key to avoiding complacency is to recognize it before it even happens. When you reach a milestone, instead of dwelling too much on that achievement, find out what you can do to move forward.
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